In the Schweizer Viertel in Lichterfelde – embedded in the newly emerging residential
area at the Goerzallee – a modern shopping center was created in the year of 2004.
The environment exhibits a mixture of villas with gardens, row house settlements,
remodeled barracks and commercial buildings. The objective was to give these various
structures a center and to ensure adequate supplies for the people who live here.
This has been accomplished with the consumer markets, the medical center, as well
as the various utilizations. Now, another commercial building has been added which
supplements the shopping center with further shopping opportunities and which conveys
the northern boundary of the urban development.
SV Handelsprojekt GmbH
Constr. Year
Floor Space
approx. 1.600 square meters
1,8 million €
Type of Use
dm Drug Store
Medical Practices
The Goerzallee is a transit road with a fissured roadside construction: on the one side
in the area of the shopping mall are two-story villas with gardens, and on the other side
stand row houses of various heights at an angle to the street with a planted embankment –
caused by the topographical jump in elevation of the new development area. The Lausanner
Strasse leads from the Goerzallee into the new residential quarter. Here stands the shopping
mall consisting of four buildings and two pavilions. This mall is now supplemented with an
extension building to the north at the Glarner Strasse.
The building at the Glarner Strasse stands with its western facade facing the street.
The southern side of the building has a clear front inspired by the existing commercial
buildings. Here occurs the main access point into the pharmacy market and the bakery while
the upper floor with its medical practices is accessed in the east from the parking place.
The boundary of the large planted plaza with the parking spaces – located between the existing
building complexes – is conveyed with the new building to the north.
Floating flat roofs emphasize the accesses and the southern orientation of the building for
the already existing commerce. Brick surfaces arrange the large façade areas, glass and wood
provide airiness and transparency for the upper level. The chosen facade materials have been
assimilated with the existing center in order to integrate the new building and to let it merge
into a harmonious whole together with the existing elements.