Local Development Concept with a Catalogue of Measures
Störmthal is located right at the border to the former brown-coal open-pit mining. In the course of the surface cultivation and reshaping of the subsequent open-pit mining landscape to the south of Leipzig, the former mining area is converted into a regional recreation center. The embankments of the remainders of the mining hole are being re-naturalized and transformed for public utilization. The current flooding will be completed by 2011.
Geimeinde Großpösna
Awarding Authority
seecon Ingenieure GmbH
Landkreis Leipzig
Time of Planning
The re-orientation of the locality toward the direction of the lake requires a development concept for re-designing and expanding existing infrastructures, planning of expansion areas, preserving the characteristics of the local town structure and defining a center with its public space.
The transformation of the locality is marked by abandoning the agriculturally established town and by endorsing it as a residence with commerce and service provider facilities. Easy-going tourism and regional recreation are themes and opportunities for the locality transformation.
The cautious designation of new construction sites resulting from population growth requires an improvement of infrastructures such as amenities for children and youth, and supply- and service provider facilities.
Within the scope of the local development, the structure of the street village with its three- and four-sided farmyards is to be preserved. The restoration of the castle und the rehabilitation of the historical castle grounds are of principal significance for the architectural quality of the locale.
The thematic and structural interconnectedness with the regional recreation area at the shore of the new Störmthaler Lake is the catalyst for new projects within the town which has been compiled in the form of a catalogue of measures.